Analysis of the policy program and budget

The federal and provincial government are entitled to prepare annual and periodic plans to systematically intervene for development process, and comply with their roles and responsibilities. As these policies, programmes and budgets determine the direction of the various levels of governments for an entire year, it is highly essential to ensure that the most urgent are reflected and prioritised in these documents.

Children, as the most vulnerable groups, as well as vital population for investment, need to be covered in these documents to assure mainstreaming in the annual interventions from the higher levels of the governments. Realising the need to identify and access the inclusion of children in these documents, National Child-Friendly Local Governance (N-CFLG) Forum with the technical support from World Vision International (WVI) Nepal, conducted a thorough assessment of the annual policy, programme and budget of federal and provincial governments from the lens of the children.

Our Members

Bahini Edu Care foundation
Bahini Edu Care foundation
Banke UNESCO Club
Banke UNESCO Club
Changa Foundation
Changa Foundation
Child Nepal
Child Nepal
Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal (JCYCN)
Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal (JCYCN)
Maitri Samaj Nepal
Maitri Samaj Nepal
Manav Adhikar Tatha Batawarn Manch
Manav Adhikar Tatha Batawarn Manch
Sahakarya Samaj Nepal
Sahakarya Samaj Nepal
Sarokar Samaj Nepal
Sarokar Samaj Nepal
Srijansil Samaj Nepal
Srijansil Samaj Nepal
YAV Nepal
YAV Nepal